Tuesday 18 November 2008

The hectic Life

Life moves so fast sometimes that it’s hard to grasp a moment and truly enjoy it fully. It’s been pretty hectic at the moment so haven’t really had the time to update this, it also doesn’t help that I’ve had no internet connection for a while.

New life just started with a new degree course and everything and on top of that so many birthdays. Try planning a surprise birthday party! Believe me it’s not as easy as it sounds. You would think that getting the preparation e.g. the place booked will be the hard part but nope the difficulty lies with the guest. I guess we are all human being and not the most reliable creatures in the world. But I don’t understand why you would say yes that you’re coming to an event but actually have no intentions of attending...especially when you know the person organising the event needs to book the place out. It’s understandable that something unexpected comes up and you cannot make it but I’ve heard some rather silly excuses. It was one stressful experience but there is the great satisfaction that comes at the end when everything turns out great. It just makes everything worth the effort.

At the beginning I decided that I will make some rules well something like rules that I need to follow. One of these so call rules was to keep up with my work and it was going so well until I fell ill. And boy did I fall ill and now I’m finding it hard to get my motivation back! But so need to start working hard or I’ll end up failing and that will be the end of this dream.
One of the worst experiences is to have your dreams break right in front of your eyes. It’s one dreadful pain that turns more into a consent aching feeling. To be about to break out of this pain is what make you a better person, sometimes this pain vanishes all together but mostly it stays with you as a numb pain that is only enlightened in certain event. To be about to live with this, is what makes a strong person. Some people just break and except defeat and it saddens me to think that you would destroy your life for one event. At that certain point it might seem like the end of the world but there is always light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to make your way to the end.

There have been many terrible events in my life but in them times you need to look at the bright side and live your life.... One such event has happened very close to me where a person took their own life and just over a degree course...there is much more out there then just education...

With that thought I’ll leave you...