Monday 15 September 2008

Introduction and all

A person’s live is like a book with many chapters and within them chapters are many sub chapters that all intertwine. Sometime you can sit down and acknowledge that yes one chapter of your life has just ended and another is just starting but there are times that you move into another chapter of your life without actually acknowledging it. I for one will be starting a new chapter in my life very soon and I am hoping that this time it will be a successful chapter.

You all probably thinking that this is a weird way to start a blog but I haven’t really decided what I’m going to write about, am I going to write about my life or about my thoughts? I guess time will tell, maybe it will be a combination of both. I’ve always wanted to write and keep up with a blog but never really achieved this; it’s my friend that convinced me to start this one...

Human beings can be complex emotional beings whom are sometimes very hard to understand, to be honest I don’t really understand myself let alone anyone else. So don’t really know how to introduce myself to you. I would like to say that I don’t trust people easily but to be honest I do trust people maybe far too much, because when I start trusting I give you my full trust. So this leaves me open to hurt easily. You hardly see me crying but no way does that mean I don’t cry, just not in front of people.

I ended up asking one of my friend to describe me and this is the response I got “You always take things easily and knows how to tackle a situation by giving a 'don't care' answer” “but I also have the feel that you get hurt easily” “and you are very caring” “you don’t always feel proud of yourself” “you don’t know the value of yourself and don’t realise how much you are loved”

I do agree with some of them comments but others I’m not too sure about. So I’ll let you decide yourself after reading the other post that I’ll hopefully write.

I think that enough of an introduction and enough of confusing you. Thank you for reading and hopefully I’ll keep up with this blog.